Monday, June 7, 2010

6/7/10: Oh. Hello, Ocean.

I wrote out a long post about my horrific overnight bus ride from Oaxaca to Puerto Escondido on Saturday night, but I've decided to spare you the gory details. I will say this: if you decided to make that trip yourself, I strongly recommend serious anti-nausea meds and/or a leakproof disposable container. I had neither.

Fortunately, there's not much that can't be fixed by swimming in the warm ocean. I slept off that nightmare of a trip in a hammock, then wandered down to the beach to check it out before heading into town to pick up a few things at the supermarket. I never did make it into town yesterday afternoon. I swam, I sat, I read. That's it. It was perfect.

This morning I got up early to look for dolphins and sea turtles with a group of French girls. (Yes, mom, I wore a hat). I tried to take photos of dolphins playing all around our boat, but didn't come up with anything particularly impressive. I'll post a pretty turtle for your viewing pleasure, assuming I ever figure out how to make this computer work.

Photos! Photos!

I'm not sure how long I'll linger here in Puerto Escondido before moving south down the coast. Right now, I'm a little apprehensive about another long bus ride, but I'm told that the Oaxaca - Puerto Escondido trips is as bad as it gets. That's a pretty low bar, though, and definitely below tolerable, as far as I'm concerned. We'll see.

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